New GG Deals
New GG Deals
The best deals, offers, promotions and bundles for gamers, gathered in one place for greater and more economic gaming pleasure
- 30+ weeks
- Countless hours of sprint runs & ceaseless work 🤤
- UX, UI & Analytics
- 400+ Sketch screens
- 600+ Screens presented to Client
- Support for all devices & platforms
GG Deals update
Revised. Redone. Reloaded.
GG Deals update
Revised. Redone. Reloaded.
ver. 2.0
One of the best things about the original GG Deals design process was its final stage – the live testing. We got so much useful feedback from our guests, we spent days cataloguing and analyzing it. From the effects of this analysis, and the work that followed, comes our next child. Behold! The NEW GG Deals!
Ok, excitement aside for a moment. We took the knowledge we gathered from the tests and armed withit, redesigned GG Deals pretty much completely, barring maybe the basic palette. The process through, available functions and features, were rebuilt from scratch.
Complete overhaul based on live test feedback and thorough analysis resulted in a service that users wanted and yearned for from the beginning, and that will keep on evolving, basing this evolution on the same process, to achieve perfection.
6+ key elements
That made new GG.Deals even better
6+ key elements
That made new GG.Deals even better
Clear yet distinct home page design, showcasing numerous awesome deals from the moment you enter

Our pride and joy – the filtering and preset systems, allowing for customization of your GG Deals experience for your personal gaming needs

GG Deals’ wishlist allows synchronization with Steam, GOG and Humble Bundle, so that title you’ve been so anxiously waiting for will not avoid your hunt.

You can get email and browser notifications once the price hits a point preset by you, by using the Price Alert system.

Game cards are clear and simple, providing all the necessary information at first glance.

19 different pricing regions with local currencies. And, if you have any suggestions concerning anything that you would like to see on GG.deals, a growing community invites you to share your thoughts.

The search bar had to feel the renewing touch of change as well. It has a new, clearer look, and is now faster, swiftly displaying the results as you type them in, giving you the game, DLC, or pack you hunt for at a merest touch of your fingertips.

Bigger and better
But simpler and cooler
Bigger and better
But simpler and cooler
The defining thing about the new GG Deals is the implementation of all of the above solutions, but also the simplification of UI elements positioning. The older design was, so to speak, a little clunky, with particular elements not always placed where expected, causing confusion in users. This issue has been fixed, with a much more natural and intuitive placement of all the cool things there. Here, see for yourself.
Oh yeah! Now, any deal that is better than ever before will be highlighted with a green “Historical” label. Don’t want to overpay? Hunt for them green prices! On GG Deals, Green is always good!

Ok, so you see the title you like. Now what? We’ve made it as smooth and simple as it can be. Just click the game, and choose one of the three actions you see below – create an alert, add it to your wishlist, or marked is as owned.

Want to see if the game you’re interested in on Steam or GOG (or any other platform we will add later?) Easy – there is an easily accessible button now, placed conveniently on the game cover.

You can easily synchronize your accounts on Steam, GOG, Humble Bundle and soon – Origin. All you have to do is connect them to your GG account by simply clicking the Connect button. Then, just click Sync Wishlist/Collection and voila, all your gaming service account know what’s going on on the other ones.

We added a place for all your gaming related news – offers, bundles, deals, anything that may interest you, with proper colored category tags.

In previous design, the filters, while definitely useful, were different from each other, and placed in different places. Now, they have been unified in design and placement, so there is no more chance for getting lost. The style of filters has been unified with the entire site to the smallest details, like paging even, so that the everything feels to be as it should, where it should.

No longer will anything go unnoticed. We have designed all the notifications, status messages and success and error toasts so that they’re not a nuisance in your deals hunting, but are always there when you need them to give you a hint or an important piece of information.

All those cool things we listed, that make using GG Deals so smooth, are of course also available in mobile. It has been designed with the same ideas of fluidity and intuitive placing in mind, so you can be sure that hunting for most awesome deals is now as easy on your mobile as it is on your battlestation.

To infinity
And beyond
To infinity
And beyond
No project is ever truly finished they say. But with GG Deals, we had the pleasure of experiencing the great process of growth of something good, through something cool, into something awesome.
The initial design, created after hours of brainstorming and hard work. The user testing, which gave us oh so many things to think about. And the new version, incorporating all of our sweat and blood mixed with what the users told us, is as close to ideal vision as we could get. For now.
Good hunting!
Be sure to let us know what you think about our new project. We are constantly expanding and embellishing it, and every comment and suggestion is important to us, and all will be heard!

Want to take such a journey with us? Or maybe you need us to validate your product?
Want to take such a journey with us? Or maybe you need us to validate your product?
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Case study