Cool things we did but cannot brag about
Cool things we did but cannot brag about
Ghost design
- Years 2016-2018
- 10+ 👻 ghost projects
- x3 different mobile apps for iOS, Android and Windows Mobile
- x2 web applications for internal use
- x2 websites
- x1 innovative, medical project
- Consultacy, Reports, Analyse, Research, Interaction Design, GUI, ... Z
Secret projects
Oh c’mon, we won’t tell!
Secret projects
Oh c’mon, we won’t tell!
Ghost design
As probably every studio, we too have projects that we have to keep our big mouths shut about, either temporarily or forever. Although our egos suffer immensely, we understand the business reasons our clients have for this.
BUT we would not be ourselves if we wouldn’t try to smuggle a snippet about those projects, so here it is.
Medical Project
The game changing one
Medical Project
The game changing one
We joined a team consisting of three companies from different branches of industry. One of them was a leading Polish tech company offering innovative solutions around the world in the neuroscience sector. The other was a digital agency and foundation that brings professional help to children and adults suffering from autism, and parents or guardians.
Together we create a system that for objective support of diagnosis and therapy on a set, difficult group of patients.
VKNGS is responsible for UX side of the specialist’s panel and GUI. We hope that soon we will be able to tell you more about this breakthrough and game changing project.

Banking mobile app
The one with no time for it
Banking mobile app
The one with no time for it
We worked with a XXX software house on an NFC payments app for one of the world banks. We were responsible for designing the interactions and the interface in one hell of a crazy timeframe.

Internal retail tool
The one for the shops
Internal retail tool
The one for the shops
For almost a year of intensive work we closely cooperated with a special operation team of one of the leading companies from the Polish market of electronic home appliences.
Our task was to redesign a twelve years old system again. The scale of the endeavour was immense. Dozens of variants, options and scenarios. But in planned time frame we managed to completely, from the ground design a new interface and processes for the product, which was a support tool for retail shop sales.

Documents processing tool
The one for the Big Bank
Documents processing tool
The one for the Big Bank
For one of the banks operating in Poland we cooperated with one of biggest polish software houses on an internal application, improving the documents processing within an institution. The client was one of the key players in modern banking systems sector. So yeah.

VOD service
The one with videos
VOD service
The one with videos
A leading Polish media group asked for our support with redesigning a VOD service elements and components. For three months we presented alternative solutions and ideas. Hundreds of elements big and small, crucial for information presentation in such services. We are awaiting the effects of our collaborative work and hope for the best.
We don’t leave anyone behind
We don’t leave anyone behind
Need a ghost studio?
Need an extra firepower? Deadline hurts? Need a fresh perspective and optics in your team? Hire ghost design team.
Need an extra firepower? Deadline hurts? Need a fresh perspective and optics in your team? Hire ghost design team.
It will be our secret.
See also other cases
See also other cases
Case study